Legal Notice

General Information

In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, 2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, all users of this website are informed that the name of the owner is Vermell Projects And Reforms S.L. TAX ID: B5480244 (hereinafter VERMELL)with address at Paseo Libertad, nº6, 3º, Torrevieja, 03181, Alicante.

It is a company dedicated to the construction and renovation of buildings and residential buildings.

Access and security

This website is not configured to collect personal information of any nature while browsing it. This means that, unless you voluntarily and explicitly provide us with personal information, we will never know your name, e-mail address, or any other information that can identify you. When we need to obtain information from you, we will always ask you to provide it voluntarily and explicitly.

This website may use Cookies to facilitate and customize navigation through the different web pages. You can see all the information related to this subject by going to Cookies Policy.


VERMELL shall not be liable in cases of interruption of service, malfunction or any inconvenience that may occur on this website for reasons beyond the company's control.

VERMELL is excluded from any liability for damages resulting from the presence of viruses or any type of incident originated or introduced in the computer system by third parties who maliciously access the integrity of this website.

Intellectual Property

The texts, images and other contents of this website are the property of VERMELL. or from third parties that have licensed or authorized VERMELL for your use.

All logos, trademarks and designs appearing on this website are part of the intellectual property rights registered by VERMELL. being prohibited any form of exploitation, that is, reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation without the express authorization of VERMELL. The disclosure, use, transmission, distribution, distribution, reproduction and transformation, in whole or in part in any form or medium, of the contents of this website is prohibited without the prior express consent of VERMELL unless otherwise indicated or its use is on a personal basis and does not infringe on the rights of the user. VERMELL by current legislation.

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