Privacy Policy


For the purposes of the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 of 27 April, hereinafter. VERMELL informs that the personal data collected through the contact form, user registration, or any other section of this page, will be included in a file which is responsible is Vermell Projects And Reforms S.L. TAX ID: B5480244 (hereinafter VERMELL)with address at Paseo Libertad, nº6, 3º, Torrevieja, 03181, Alicante.


In case you have filled in your data in the contact form or you have called us or sent us an e-mail requesting information, VERMELL will process your personal data in order to attend and manage your request, resolving the request for information that you may have requested.

The processing of this personal data is based on the consent you give by actively submitting your request.

Legitimacy of the treatment

By sending the existing forms on this website, sending an email message, or requests for information received from the links to our social networks, the sender consents to the automated processing of the data included in them, this consent being the legitimate basis on which the processing of personal data is based.

Data categories

The data collected are strictly necessary for the correct identification of the sender, such as name or company name, address, email, telephone, contact person, IP address from which you access the registration or form, as well as the minimum data necessary to carry out the requested services or procedures. The fields marked with an asterisk must be filled in, so if they are not filled in we will not be able to attend your requests.

Conservation periods.

The data collected will be kept for the duration of the business relationship between the data subject and the data controller. The retention period may be extended on the basis of tax obligations that may arise from such business relationship.

Data communication.

We inform you that your data will never be provided to third parties under any circumstances, except in cases where such transfer or communication is essential to provide the requested services, as in the case of agencies, consultants, financial institutions, insurers, collection management, competent public administrations, or by the legally established assumptions.

Safety measures.

VERMELL informs you that the necessary technical and organizational security measures have been adopted to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal data, in compliance with the provisions of Article 32 of the RGPD.

Rights of the data subject

At any time you may exercise your rights to access, rectification, suppression, limitation, portability, opposition, and not to be subject to automated requesting it by mail Vermell Projects And Reforms S.L. TAX ID: B5480244 (hereinafter VERMELL)with address at Paseo libertad, nº6, 3º, Torrevieja, 03181, Alicante or to the following e-mail address

These rights are very personal and shall be exercised by the interested party, with no other limitations than those provided for in the applicable legislation. However, the legal representative of the interested user may act when he/she is in a situation of incapacity or minority that makes it impossible for him/her to exercise them personally.

Requests will be dealt with within thirty days of receipt. In the event that the File Manager considers that it is not appropriate to accede to the request made by the affected party, he/she will inform him/her with reasons and within the period indicated in the previous paragraph.

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your data at any time. To exercise this right you only need to send us an email to indicating in the subject line "I wish to withdraw my consent to the processing of my data".

Likewise, you also have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, which in the case of Spain is the Spanish Data Protection Agency, if your legitimate rights are violated.

Contact and support

If you need any clarification regarding the Legal Notice, Privacy Policy, or any other information displayed on this page, or additional information about our company, you can request it through the email address

You can also contact us through our customer service phone number 965 715400

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